Define the plane name and
specify the name and position of the irradiation hole.
Each irradiation hole can be added by clicking the Add
button, and the depth for each plane is directly input.
The depth is input with reference to the GCS and is cumulated
under the ground surface. For example, inputs of -10m
ground surface, 30m soil plane and 60m weathered rock
indicate that the soil layer is located 40m below the
ground surface and the weathered rock layer 70m below
the ground surface.
The position and number of irradiation holes need to
be larger than 1 and 3 respectively to create a bedding
plane and hence, 3 or more columnar sections need to be
input when creating a surface using multiple columnar
The separation distance creates bending planes by separating
the columnar sections by a certain distance.
Geometry set
The created bending planes and columnar sections are
registered on the Geometry set, under the model works
tree, as a face and line shape respectively. The user
can specify the name of the Geometry set. |